Pre-Distanced: Free Digital Zine
I’ve been really feeling the distance from others over these past few weeks of our COVID-19 “lockdown”, and part of my way of processing that has been to relive recent memories from before these physically distanced times. So here’s a smattering of “pre-distanced” photos, a brief sort of “love letter” to closeness and warmth. I’ve compiled them into a book layout - partially as an exercise, but also because I’m interested to explore other meaningful ways to connect with you out there in the expanse of the internet. There are two ways to view:
View the slides below (best viewed on a computer due to the 2-page spread - click to expand the first slide and then tap through).
Grab a free copy of the PDF by emailing me and telling me how you’ve been feeling during this time, and what you’ve been doing to “cope” as best you can?
Sending peace and love to you all, aroha nui,